Finding a bargain just feels great, right? Getting a good deal can be thrilling, and more rewarding the bigger the deal. So letting your coupon make your buying decisions for you, always looking for the least expensive items, is all too easy. When it comes to buying a pair of hearing aids, going after a […]
Hearing loss can sneak up on you, it’s true. But there are times when hearing problems suddenly pounce you like a cat rather than sneaking up on you. It could happen like this: you wake up, pull yourself out of bed, and perhaps you don’t notice until you get out of the shower but your […]
You’re living with tinnitus and you’ve learned to adjust your life to it. You always keep the TV on to help you tune out the constant ringing. You avoid going out for happy hour with friends because the loud music at the bar makes your tinnitus worse for days. You’re always going in to try […]
You care deeply about your loved ones and want to do something to let them know? Really listen when your loved ones talk to you. That involves, of course, the ability to hear. According to research, millions of individuals would benefit from using hearing aids because one out of three adults between the ages of […]
Hearing aids are meant to be used daily. But before you recycle your milk containers, you’re supposed to wash them out too. Sometimes, we don’t do the things we’re supposed to. So yeah, you skip taking your hearing aids out of the nightstand drawer now and then. Perhaps you even go a day, or a […]
The human body has some amazing and surprising abilities. Scratches, cuts, and broken bones are generally no problem for the human body to repair (I mean, sure, it takes a while, but your body can actually mend the giant bones in your legs and arms with little more than some time and a splint). But […]
If you’ve got hearing aids, you should be capable of hearing, right? When they aren’t working right, it can be extremely frustrating, it’s a total “You had ONE job” situation. Fortunately, your hearing aids should have no issue doing their job if you properly maintain them. Before you do anything drastic, look at this list. […]
With chronic tinnitus, it’s not the ringing in your ears that’s the actual issue. It’s the constant never ending ringing, that’s the real issue. Initially, this may be a mild noise that’s not much more than a bit annoying. But after a day or a week or a month, that buzzing or ringing can become […]
Researchers at the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) might have cracked the code on one of hearing’s most bewildering mysteries, and the insight could result in the overhauling of the design of future hearing aids. The long standing notion that voices are singled out by neural processing has been debunked by an MIT study. […]
Technology is evolving into smarter, more powerful, and smaller devices. In general, the trend is that devices do more and take up less space. So it’s no surprise that hearing aids are no exception. Though hearing problems have a variety of causes, hearing problems are more common among older people, and the world’s population is […]